| Taking it deeper |
Transformation comes in cycles of yearning, reshaping, healing and rest.
Looking back at your life, where can you identify times of wrestling and yearning that came just before a spontaneous or inspired shift, or an answer came easily in an unexpected way?
What are a few words that describe the mysterious change that you feel happening underground, in your soul-soil, without your control or direction?
What creative ways can you cultivate restfulness and enough-ness in your life right now?
| Affirmation |
I’m not behind. Exactly what I’m doing is enough. Everything unfolds in its own divine timing.
| A Healing Ceremony |
When you tap the button on the right you'll be invited into a healing journey with some Mama Bear medicine.
You've named some of your yearnings above—now, let them be seen, known and held.
Relax and use this time to sink into dream space.
In your minds eye, your heart's vision, you enter the forest.
Snow still clings to the north side of trees, the first light of day emerges in the East...